
Sunday 30 August 2015

Room 5's Science

Room 5 have been busy in the 2 weeks working on Kitchen Chemistry and Fair testing.

We have been learning about chemical and physical changes that take place when we do different experiments.

We are learning the differences between a chemical and physical change and also learning about fair testing.
Have a read about the different experiments we have been doing and have a go trying some at home:

How do you know when a Chemical change has taken place?

  • A permanent change of colour

  • The production of gas

  • The production of light and/or heat

  • The dissolving of a metal (the metal disappears)

  • The production of an insoluble solid (a solid that cannot be dissolved)

How do you know when a Physical change has taken place?

  • The object keeps its"identity”, nothing new is made.
  • It might look different or feel different than when you first started but it is still the same thing. This is called changing form.

Experiment 1: Playing with Paper:

Today in Room 5, Mrs Dunatov, burnt a piece of paper to show us what a Chemical reaction looked like . We had to predict what we thought might happen. We also got to play with paper and try to think of different ways that we could change it!
When we burnt the paper, Mrs Dunatov, lit the paper in a pot so it was safe. We watched the paper burn and turn into ash. This was a Chemical change because something new was made and we could not turn the ash back into paper. However when we were folding and scrunching and drawing on paper, it was easy to see that it was still paper and we were only making Physical changes to it doing this!

Photos by Charlee and Tiana

Experiment 2: Making Popcorn:

Today Room 5 made popcorn. We had to predict what we thought might happen. We also had to guess whether it was a Chemical or Physical reaction.

We predicted that the popcorn kernels would pop and turn into white popcorn. We thought it would be fast. We also thought it was a chemical reaction as it made a smell, was hot, and turned from a hard, small, yellow kernel to a large, white, fluffy popcorn.

Our predictions were right except that it took a while to heat up the kernels enough for them to pop!

Photos by Charlee and Tiana

Experiment 3, 4 and 5: Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiments

Today we mixed baking soda and vinegar to perform 3 different experiments.

Balloon Blowing

We put baking soda into the bottom of a coke bottle then added a small amount of vinegar then Mrs Dunatov put a balloon over the mouth of the bottle and we watched what happened.

We predicted that there could be an explosion, a boom, a bang or the balloon could go up.

Our predictions were not quite right. The vinegar and baking soda mixed together and bubbled up and created a gas called Carbon Dioxide. This gas filled the balloon and blew it up. But there was no explosion or boom or bang!

Photos by Michael

Plastic Bag Explosions:

Mrs Dunatov put baking soda into a small packet of paper and poured vinegar into the plastic bags and put in the small paper with the baking soda in it. Then she sealed it and we waited for the reaction.

We thought it would make a big bang but the vinegar and baking soda didn’t create enough carbon dioxide to make the bag pop!

Photos by Michael

Bottle Volcano

Mrs Dunatov put a large amount of baking soda into a coke bottle and then poured a lot of vinegar in on top of it.

We predicted that there would be a big explosion like a volcano and maybe a bang.

The bubbles erupted over the top of the bottle and spilled out everywhere but they didn’t explode everywhere.

All of the experiments showed us that mixing baking soda and vinegar together will create a chemical change. We know this as the gas, Carbon Dioxide, was created and caused bubbles and the balloon to blow up.

Photos by Michael

Experiment 6: Hokey Pokey

Today we made Hokey Pokey in 2 groups. Mrs Dunatov didn’t tell us what we were going to do, she only showed us the ingredients of Golden Syrup, Baking Soda and Sugar and we had to predict what we thought would happen when they were all mixed.

We predicted that there might be an explosion, a loud bang, an eruption, a lot of mess, bubbles, carbon dioxide or an eruption.

When Mrs Dunatov took us to the staffroom, we found out that we were making Hokey Pokey and we were all very excited as we hadn’t made it before.

First we buttered the tray so that the Hokey Pokey wouldn’t stick to the bottom of it while it cooled.

We put 5 tablespoons of sugar into a pot followed by 2 tablespoons of golden syrup.

Then Mrs Dunatov put it on the stove and the heat from the stove melted the sugar and the golden syrup together.

When it started to boil and we could see the bubbles we added 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

It frothed up and became a new solid and smelt lovely!

Mrs Dunatov poured it onto the tray to cool.

We knew that a chemical change had taken place as a new solid was formed, we could not change it back into the original ingredients and it made bubbles. Not all of our predictions we were right but some of us were.

We got to eat it back in class and it was delicious!

Here is a link to the recipe if you would like to try it at home:

 Photos by Marcellin

Photos by Patronilla

Experiment 7 : Planting plants and Fair Testing

We learnt about fair testing today and planted 12 seeds with different variables. We are looking forward to seeing what grows and what does not. Have a look at our predictions below and stayed posted for the results!!!

Fair Testing: Plants Experiment
Needs watering
Bean seed: Soil
                Window Sill
Yes, we think this will grow as it has water, soil and sunlight which is everything a plant needs to grow.

Bean seed: Soil
               No Water
               Window Sill
No, we don’t think this will grow as it will not get any water and it will get thirsty in the sun.
Needs watering
Bean seed: Paper Towel
                 Window Sill
Yes, we think this will grow as the wet paper towel can act like soil and it is getting water and sun.
Needs watering
Bean seed: Soil
No, we don’t think it will grow at all as there is no sun for it in the cupboard.
Needs watering
Pea seed: Soil
               Window Sill
Yes, we think it will grow well as the only thing different is that it is a pea seed.
Needs watering
Bean seed: Soil
Yes and No, we think it will grow ok but not as well as the window sill as it doesn’t get as much sun.
Needs watering
Bean seed: Soil
         Square container
               Window Sill
Yes, we think this will grow well as the only thing different is the container.
Needs watering
Bean seed: Soil
    Mrs Sullings Office
Yes, we think this will grow ok as it will get sun from Mrs Sullings’ window and it has soil and water.

Bean seed: Soil
                  No Water
No, we don’t think this will grow as it has no water or sunlight.
Needs watering
Bean seed: No Soil
                 Window Sill
No, we don’t think it will grow as it has no soil.

Bean seed: No Soil
                 No Water
                Window Sill
No, we don’t think this will grow as there is nothing for it to grow in and no water.

Bean seed: Soil
        Water (only once)
              Window Sill
                Lid on
Yes, we think it will grow but not very much as the lid will shade it and make it hard for it to grow.

Thursday 20 August 2015

ShowMe learning with the Pigeon's Reading group

The pigeon's reading group have been learning about Owls. We took photos and used the App ShowMe to record our learning and write on the screen.

Charlee says it's a good app because we can type on it. Michael thinks it's a good app because we can learn more about owls and find out why owls are nocturnal, it is helpful to hear ourself read aloud.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Room 5's trip to the Auckland Zoo

On Thursday we all went to the Auckland Zoo. We had a great time. Here are some recounts we wrote on Friday and some photos from our trip!

Yesterday Room 5 went to the Auckland Zoo. I had a lot of fun and my favourite part was when I was in the meerkat tunnels and acted like a meerkat. I felt really small and felt like I was a meerkat. By the way the first thing I went to was the otters but they were not in the water and catching fish so the next one we went to were the meerkats. First thing we did with them was looking at them then I went in the tunnels with Kingston, Patronilla and Toakase. Next we went to see the giraffes, zebras and the ostriches. We asked questions about the giraffes. Then we saw the seals and one was lying on the bridge and another one was sitting on the ground but when we went at the bottom of the water I saw a seal swimming and looking at me. I smiled, it was glorious.

By Clara

Yesterday Room 5 went to the zoo. First the lady, called Christie, took us to the servals and then we went to the hippos. She told us that the hippos go poo in the water and after, his tail goes around and around and the poo goes everywhere. After, we split into groups. We went to the tiger but the tiger was not there. My favourite thing was the meerkat tunnels. I had a great day.

By Samantha

Yesterday Room 5 went to Auckland Zoo. All of us liked the small animals and there were humongous ones too and I mean HUMUNGOUS!!! I really liked the meerkat tunnels, it was so dark and it looked like we were in the war. My favourite animal was the serval but there were some other animals I liked too. It was great and I mean really GREAT!!!

By Michael

Thursday 6 August 2015

CJ and Catherine Fraction of number

Here's a short clip of CJ and Catherine sharing their learning about finding fractions of number.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Welcome back to Term 3!

Kia Ora and Welcome to Room 5's blog!

We will be posting a lot of exciting learning each week on here and we look forward to sharing it with you.
On this blog you will find our class newsletter which is available for you to read!

Room 5 Term 3 Newsletter

Word Power

We have been working on our Word Power this term and have achieved great results so far. We are challenging ourselves to see how many words we can write in 8 minutes and then aiming to beat that each week.

Life Education

We had Harold and Jess from Life Education visit us last week. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in the caravan and catching up with Harold.
We learnt about being Bucket Fillers (ask us what this means) instead of Bucket Dippers and also what it means to be a friend. We learnt about what Body Language is and how it can show people different things about how we are feeling without having to say anything.

Harold and his stars

Duffy Theatre

We had Duffy Theatre last week which was enjoyed by all. We learnt all about how reading helps us with our imaginations and how it can take us to amazing places in our minds.

Zoo Trip

We have our Zoo trip for the term coming up next Thursday and are looking forward to it! Watch this space for an update of what we learnt on the trip and pictures!

Thursday 28 May 2015

Term 1 wall

Walt tell the difference  between invertebrates and respect Gods creation


Welcome to Room 5's new learning blog. We hope you enjoy the learning we share here!